- warauduati - http://www.murschhauser.net/wordpress -


… warauduati (contact: marc[at]murschhauser.net)


Born and raised in the alpine region Oberallgäu [1] in Southern Germany, I finished school in 1997 in Kempten, in between as a YFU (Youth for Understanding) [2] exchange student in Bismarck [3], Missouri, USA. Since then I had been living in Munich for a banking education at Deutsche Bank [4] and my following studies in Cultural Anthropology, European Folklore and American Cultural History at Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität [5]. Graduating in July 2005, I am now a postgraduate and lecturer [6]. To concentrate on my doctoral thesis „Hybridity and Migration of the Garínagu in Central America“ [7] (working title) I moved back to my hometown, still shuttling back and forth between the two places.

  • … more to come.