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Inca Treasures

„The Curse of the Caribbean“ – not only because of the latest discussion on Disney’s cannibals – but also on gold as a curse itself, Inca gold!

After a sensational success in Leipzig and Berlin with more than 80.000 visitors, the Der Fluch des Goldes – 1000 Jahre Inkagold [1]“ the 21st of January to the 24th of June 2007.

The highlights are „art-historical significant original gold-exhibits“ (Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg – INKAgold Austellung [2]). Kindly as a loan of the Museo Oro del Perú [3], masks, mugs, bowls, burial objects, and jewelry from 400 B.C. to 1.500 A.D. are to be seen.

But besides this special exhibition, Hamburg’s Museum for Cultural Anthropology [4] is always a recommendable experience…