Quote III

Published on Mittwoch, Juli 11th, 2007

„Nach meinem Research war ich speziell auf Mais und Weizen bullish (…)“ (Hufeisen, Mark, 2007: ABN AMRO marketindex magazin, Nr. 07, S.33.)

By chance I found this sentence in the above indicated magazine while riding the train back home from the University of Bayreuth today. I don’t know why, but I directly had to take a strong and good laugh. Maybe for the Anglicisms or maybe because some kind of overbearing arrogant sense struck me. Maybe, because in a certain way, this remark seems so silly to me.

I guess, as for the Anglicisms in the German language, a translation wouldn’t help much here to give a none German-speaker insight of my thought. So I leave it at that, but not before letting you know that „Handeln“ is totally out of fashion for a successful businessman nowadays:

„Insgesamt sind die Märkte dieses Jahr bisher wirklich aufregend, mit reichlich Volatilität, doch nicht einfach zu traden (…)“ (emphasis mine).

Update 2 Africa in America

Published on Montag, Juli 9th, 2007

Afrika in Amerika.
Einführung in die Afroamerikanistik

Update: Monday, 9th of July 2007, 19:37

Accompanying page for Students participating in the above course at University of Bayreuth …

Quicklink to Downloads and Articles …

… seems like a splendid and informative penultimate session.
C ya all Wednesday. M.M.

Last Snowfall in May

Published on Sonntag, Juli 8th, 2007

Allgäuer Alpen in May

Impressions of Home. Last snowfall in the Allgäuer Alpen the end of May …

Allgäuer Alpen in May

Quote II

Published on Samstag, Juli 7th, 2007

„Anyone who flaunts a portable phone as a symbol of power is, on the contrary, announcing to all and sundry his desperate, subaltern position, in which he is obliged to snap to attention, even when making love (…)“.
(Eco, Umberto, 1994: How to Travel With a Salmon and Other Essays. London. Original 1992: Il secondo diario minimo. Milano.)

„Wer das Handy als Machtsymbol heraushängen will, zeigt damit in Wirklichkeit doch nur allen seine verzweifelte Lage als Subalterner, der gezwungen ist, in Habachtstellung zu bleiben, auch wenn er gerade einen Beischlaf vollzieht (…)“.
(Eco, Umberto, 1993: Wie man mit einem Lachs verreist und andere nützliche Ratschläge. München, Wien. Original s.o.)


Published on Freitag, Juni 29th, 2007

Before certain matters disappear beneath the surface and finally perish …
… here exclusively some sounds from almost ten years ago.

jetzt & hier, 1999

late, 1998

Craving for more? What used to be an unpolished diamond originally at Callasong, seems to have already vanished into the deep and unfathomable grounds of somewhat called Open Music Source. And yet there are bits and pieces to find … maybe not perished after all?

A Touch Of Africa

Published on Donnerstag, Juni 28th, 2007

Modern stone sculptures from Zimbabwe, various lectures and films about and from Africa, a „Day of Africa“ and an Open Air Concert Stage for African Artists from here and there. All this is „A Touch of Africa“ in the small town of Immenstadt in the south of this region. Since yesterday, the African continent becomes the focus of the town center. Till the 22nd of July a variety of events and school projects are planed to attract attention to the beauties as well as the problems of Africa. Therefore not only African artists, traders and chefs will pe present, but also various foundations and representatives of NGOs.

The impressive stone sculptures of private collector Inge Wiegand examine especially works of contemporary artists from Zimbabwe and „their complex cultural ethnological characteristics and background“, many from the so called Tengenenge Sculpture Community. „The deep religious feeling combined with the inborn sense for capacity and rhythm“ … ;-) … „qualifies the Shona, a group of the Bantu, to create a new African culture. They draw their inspira- tion from nature, be it an animal, a tree, a stone or the earth – everything is alive and has a soul“ (translated according to the official pamphlet).
The artists mostly use serpentine, granite or the South-African verdite for carvings. „In Guruve, minds once swayed by traditional African beliefs are now swayed by the edicts of a number of independent Christian churches whose worshippers wear white and conduct their services under trees on the side of the road. It is these beliefs and their practices which constitute the non-material culture of the Guruve area – the original home of many of the Tengenenge sculptors and painters. These beliefs have a profound effect on the artists’ work.“, writes Celia Winter Irving (In: Skyhost, Air Zimbabwe’s inflight magazine, Vol 2003, via Tengenenge).

Take a look at the program in Immenstadt. And let the African Days of Exotism begin. „Welcome to the Mountains“, „Ethiopian coffee, Nigerian jewelry and exotic spices“, tinkering around with drums and getting your makeup done by nomad Kaouritel from Niger while listening to the African Song Singers … get „A Touch of Africa“.

Quote I

Published on Mittwoch, Juni 27th, 2007

„Das ist schön bei uns Deutschen: Keiner ist so verrückt, dass er nicht einen noch Verrückteren fände, der ihn versteht.“
(Heine, Heinrich, 1824/26: Reisebilder: Die Harzreise. <1797-1856>)

„This is nice about us Germans: Nobody is that crazy that he wouldn’t find someone even crazier, who understands him.“
(Heine, Heinrich, 1826: The Harz Journey. <1797-1856>)

Update Africa in America

Published on Sonntag, Juni 3rd, 2007

Afrika in Amerika.
Einführung in die Afroamerikanistik

New Update: Thursday, 14th of June 2007, 13:50

Accompanying page for Students participating in the above course at University of Bayreuth …

Quicklink to Downloads and Articles …

Black Man’s Soul

Published on Sonntag, Juni 3rd, 2007

Black Man’s Soul, Honduras

Bored with the Internet

Published on Montag, Mai 7th, 2007

Bored with the Internet

Bored with the Internet“ by Randall Munroe found at his webcomic site xkcdA Wecomic of Romance, Sarcasm, Math, and Language – also known for his latest approach of a Map of Online Communities.

… in a detour via Savage Minds
… and boing boing.